
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Lil' Green Steps: Warm Up

Keeping you and your home warm in the winter and your pockets a little heavier!
Quick and easy steps :)

1. Turn down the thermostat during the night and when you are away all day. A little chilly? Throw on a sweater :)

2. Line your windows to add a little extra insulation, keeping that warm air in. A kit can easily be found at a home improvement store.

3. Make a "rice pal" or "oatmeal packet". Fill an old sock with rice or oatmeal, and tie each end off. Warm it for a few minutes in the microwave and 'ta da'- an instant bed warmer to slip between the covers. I also like to make fancier one by taking a few squares of fabric, sewing them together and add a little scent: like lavender! These make wonderful homemade gifts! My husband calls them heat pals.
             * Don't leave unattended in the microwave as these have been known to catch on fire. We have  never had a problem, but just a heads up!


4. Silly suggestion but... start baking something in your oven. Whenever we have that thing going the whole place heats up!

5. Light a few candles. These don't provide a ton of heat, but they sure make the place feel "warmer"!

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